The Simulation Hypothesis is a joyful playful delightful conviction (belief/idea)
The year is 1941. The first programmable computer is invented. Wow.
It’s 2020. Compared to 1941’s, searing hot doo-doo of a computer, you have options!! woo-hooo! But you’re forcibly locked in your home for fear of your respiratory system being repeatedly forcibly violated by very many foreign bodies.
But no matter! The DCI 4K, 4096 by 2160 pixel, super ultra high definition goggles, attached to your noggin, with beautifully detailed and immersive 360 degree spatially calibrated surround sound audio, allows you to interface virtually with the incredibly sexy and sophisticated, yet playful and intelligent, Sanya; they’re a multi-gendered, multi-purpose, alt-configured being who you’ve all but abandoned the offline world for.
You’re happy!
Basically yeah…
universe around really long time. So long, you find it VEWY VEWY difficult to imagine. Human been around small time; Very imagineable amount of time. So why in all this time is there no other kind of human, or intelligent alien specie? Why noooooOOOOot?? Unless… we were created by that specie and live in their simulation.
You see, in 100 years WE have virtual reality. And in 200 years… WE create own specie…?? so how do WE know WE are not created by other specie????