does this feel claustrophobic? viewing me like this

does it sound fake? hearing me like this? as if i’m reading a script.

nearly everything i interact with is from a script.

i wake up, go to the computer, work for 9 to 10 hours, go back to sleep. i do this everyday. i follow the script. inbetween, i watch streamers, youtubers, and read Xers. they’re all selling something, all posting something to get me to engage. usually, it’s calculated; scripted so i’ll comment, so i’ll click and watch it, so i’ll perhaps even buy it. often they want to sell me sex, a way to make money, a tool that’ll make me more attractive, a supplement so i can live this life just a bit longer, or a way to gamble my earnings, to make my life more entertaining, so at least it’s worth living.

when i take some time away from the computer, to eat or clean myself, i look around.

i see everyone else is on their own computer. many of them work from home, often working 8 hours a day to sell a product that keeps people on their computer, and inbetween breaks from their computer activity, all the revenue generated from their computer job of selling computer activity, they too wake up, use the computer… go back to sleep.

when i was a child, i would play playstation for just 1 hour, and within the hour, my father would shout “Get off That GAME! You’re getting ADDICTED.” i just wanted to play. Not to get addicted.

today, i only leave the house to buy food, or to receive health treatment i dont see family; i rarely see friends no wife, no girlfriend

does it feel claustrophobic in here?

for my socialisation, i can always watch speed tour australia or nmp farm luls with nora

everyday i see people arguing over who’s more wrong men or women who’s more right left or right china versus usa uk versus london

why aren’t people having sex? why does everyone have anxiety? who’d the song with bidibigoobigaborg?

If you go online, you’ll see technology influencers tell you You’re living in the greatest era in human history!

don’t you know that your grandparents died of dysentery not long ago. you should be grateful!

do you feel you’re living in the greatest period in human history?

and believe me, you should always listen to what you feel.

apart from these people being wrong, when i just pay attention, all i see is another fed up person like me most adults have resigned themselves

but i’m trying to save the world

how will i save the world?

one step at a time