“what do you guys feel about AI in healthcare?”
>be me, desperately in need of help from my assigned gastro nurse to review my bloodtest so i can get my medicine >try emailing the hospital >email bounces back >this service is deprecated, call our hotline >call the hotline >3 minute prerecorded voice message from nurse lecturing me on what kind of details I should and shouldnt leave in voicemail >voice message slowly comes to an end >btw, we’re super busy; we will take UPTO 5 working days to get back to you >fuck >about to hang up >instead, lecture whatever nurse’ll hear me on how easy it is to fix all this >say i will personally fix it for them >hang up >nurse calls back 30 mins later >mfw >ask her did u listen to my voice message >she did >ok, great. i need help wit– >says shes not part of the department and will relay my message to another nurse >fuck